Hello world!
16:54Hi Internet! Welcome to Skinny Timmins; a blog with a particularly aspirational name to help me keep on track with my weight loss journey.
I ought to introduce myself really; I'm Melissa, I'm 26 and I live in the UK. I'm currently following Slimming World and aim to lose 3stone 7lbs. I am by no means skinny, nowhere near actually, and I never have been, but I have been skinnier, healthier and more comfortable in my skin and it's time to get that feeling back.
I started my weight loss journey in October 2015, but progress has been slow, and I've only managed to shift 9lbs in 3 months which is disheartening, but I know I only have me to blame! On the plus side, a loss of 9lbs is better than a gain of 9lbs, especially over Christmas, so I'm not completely negative!
Anyway, so why start a blog?
Anyway, so why start a blog?
I'll be honest, I was expecting this whole 'weight loss' thing to be easy - turns out it isn't! And what's more, I look around the internet and Instagram for inspiration but get even more disheartened because everyone else seems to find it so easy. So I've decided to be my own motivation, keep myself accountable by blogging and be brutally honest too.
If you're reading this I guess your maybe in the same boat as me, wanting to make a change, but not sure how. You know, kind of fumbling around trying to eat avocado, asking yourself 'what even is a squat?' and find a sports bra that doesn't stop you from breathing!
Anyway leave me a comment if you're at the beginning of your weight loss journey too; operation skinny is officially on!
Melissa x